Opening Day of School is Just a Month Away!
08/06/2024 01:17:38 PM
Susan Rizzo, Education Director
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Hi, SJLL parents -
Opening day of school is just one month away! I hope my enthusiasm is contagious.
I’m ready to have another great year. I hope you and your kids are, too!
My fun has continued throughout the summer. The SJLL teachers and I have been meeting regularly. Yes, we "talk shop," but we also just enjoy one another's company. Here's a group photo from our last gathering, which was at my house this past weekend.
Many of us had had the opportunity not only to hang out, but to hang out in costume, at Temple Sinai’s July 28 open house. It was a great, "the wizard of oz" themed, event, which saw many potential (and actual!) new congregants cross our threshold. Here are a few photos I snapped.
(green-lensed 3rd-grade teacher Barbara Schwartz offers helpful information and a fun PJ Library-provided craft at the SJLL table; new RATSY (grades 8-12) adviser Allyrose Caruso and returning RATSY board member Rowan Bissonette offer Glinda-esque glow wands and yellow brick road chocolate bars to teenaged passers-by)
(Glinda the good witch, the Wizard of Oz, and an only-partially green Elphaba pose for a pic, we three looking entirely too friendly with one another!; the extended Simmons-Sarnov/Sarnov/Zusmanowitz family demonstrate their creativity as characters found on the yellow brick road)
(we also "unveiled" the newly reorganized family play space, replete with an exciting new PJ Library reading nook - SJLL teachers Kathy Adams and Pauline Rosenberg led story time and a craft, which, sadly, we did not photograph)
See what fun we've had this summer? It is a harbinger of the fun we're planning for the school year! so, let's make sure we're all set for that....
1) enrollment - if you are receiving this email, it is because one or more of your children are enrolled in school - if that is not intentional, please let me know ASAP - and to those who do intend for their students to be enrolled in school this year, I thank you for your support and participation!
2) tuition - tuition charges have been levied on the accounts of all families with children enrolled in school - payment is not automatic - you need to go into your ShulCloud account and either pay outright or set up a payment schedule - there is a lot of flexibility and, as ever, please be in touch if circumstances warrant it - thank you to those families who have already scheduled or made payments
3) parent survey - the accessibility & inclusion (A&I) committee and SJLL have partnered on a survey for you to please help us provide your children with the most accessible school experience possible - it is not a long survey - please complete it so we have as much helpful data as possible - here is the link
4) school calendar - SJLL dates for 2024-25 are set and can be accessed via the public Temple Sinai calendar - i will be working soon to craft a color-coded one-page document that will be shared via email and posted to the youth education page of the TS website - in the meantime, the most important date for you to be aware of is Sunday, September 8, which is the start of school!
5) skirboll lecture - federation has asked the synagogues to share information about the upcoming mort skirboll lecture on antisemitism with dr. Rachel Fish (a special guest whom I had the good fortune of studying with when I was in the Wexner heritage program a few years back) - the lecture is Thursday, September 5, 7 pm, at an as yet undisclosed location - it is free to attend - I know that antisemitism is front of mind for a lot of people these days - if you are one of them, I invite you to attend - click here for more information and to register
That's what I’ve got for you at the moment. not too terrible a list considering how long it has been since I last wrote. (my summer has been about practicing restraint!)
Just FYI, I leave this Saturday for a week (august 11-18) on faculty at URJ Camp George, a couple hours north of Toronto. my son Simon has been there since July 25 and, since I’ve seen pictures but heard no news, is, I presume, having a fabulous time. I haven't been to sleep-away camp myself in probably 35 years, so I hope I adjust well. I don't have to share a cabin with anyone this time around, so that's an improvement right there! I am especially looking forward to celebrating Shabbat there, as Shabbat at camp has always felt extra special.
I’m in the office through the end of the week, then again beginning Monday, August 19.
Be well, all!
Sinai Updated!
07/26/2024 02:27:39 PM
Mary Mansfield, Executive Director
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I have the pleasure of working with diverse groups of congregants. No matter what issue we are discussing, there are sure to be concerns, considerations, and debates brought to the table. This does not mean that we find ourselves in a continuous state of analysis paralysis. Rather, we find ourselves able to put our best ideas forward knowing they have been considered from as many angles as possible.
With Rabbi Till’s departure and Rabbi Zohar’s arrival, many of our discussions over the last six months had to include the impact of major change in the background of any ideas brought to the table. There were some that thought that this transition time is ideal for making changes, and we could experience the discomfort concurrently and “rip it off like a band-aid.” Others thought that changes should be delayed to allow us time to acclimate to each new normal consecutively. The latter group also did not want any difficult changes to be inappropriately credited to Rabbi Zohar. In the end, all agreed that Rabbi Zohar would bring another viewpoint to the discussions being had around potential impactful changes.
That said, with the budget requiring approval before the congregation in June, two of the cost-saving changes could not wait, and congregants will be experiencing some changes starting this month.
Zoom. We are moving away from utilizing Zoom to provide Shabbat services remotely. We are returning to our formerly utilized streaming service, Streamspot as of July 1. There are three reasons for this. First, the setup, which includes many wires needed to connect cameras to the soundboard and computer monitors, was flagged by the Deputy Fire Marshall as a hazard. Those wires are not necessary when using Streamspot, and we will be safer. Second, Zoom is significantly more expensive, as it requires contracted tech support in addition to the monthly subscription fee. Lastly, we will be able to remove the tech table that has reduced seating capacity and created an eyesore in the sanctuary since moving to Zoom.
If someone is having a life event for which they would like the ability for remote participation, they will be able to contract with our tech support provider to set up, run, and breakdown the Zoom. The cost for doing so will be the responsibility of the person requesting the Zoom.
Bulletin. We are moving to a quarterly printed publication that will be sent in June, September, December and March. Sinai Life will take the place of our monthly bulletin, which has been heavily focused on what events are coming up, and instead will be highlighting our recent programs and events that have taken place. We will be asking event planners to submit photos and comments after their programs to show what a lively, engaged community we have.
Upcoming events will still be welcome in Sinai Life. Programs and events will be marketed on our online temple calendar, in Snippets, on the website, and on our social media pages. Yahrzeits and donations will be printed in Snippets weekly.
The three biggest reasons for this change are protecting the environment, modernizing our practices, and saving money. We will be using 75% less paper on our printed publications as well as less energy consumption in printing and delivery. Many synagogues now offer only an electronic publication, and many moved away from producing it monthly. The temple has been paying postage to send the bulletin to 500+ households monthly. That means that we will be paying to mail 4,000 fewer publications each year.
It may take a couple of issues for the office to find its groove in producing Sinai Life and making the changes to Snippets, and it may take a few issues for congregants to adjust to the new norm for information sharing, but we are hopeful that these changes will provide a look at a wider variety of what is happening at Temple Sinai.
We look forward to the next publication coming out in September with photos from all the wonderful things that happen over the summer!
Summer of Change: Welcoming New Members to Temple Sinai
07/19/2024 02:21:33 PM
Cantor Renata Braun
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As the warm breezes of summer usher in a season of renewal and growth, Temple Sinai marks an exciting chapter for our congregation, filled with opportunities for connection, learning, and spiritual enrichment. Summer has always been a time of transformation, and this year, it holds special significance for Temple Sinai. We are so thrilled to welcome Rabbi Or Zohar and his family to Temple Sinai. I am very much looking forward to our journey together as we lead Temple Sinai into the future!
On July 28th, Sunday from 10 AM to noon Temple Sinai will host an Open House. Please spread the word around the community AND bring a friend to our Open House.
To engage congregants and celebrate new beginnings, Temple Sinai has planned a series of special events and activities throughout the summer. We hope you can join us for the Golf Tournament outing on July 29th.
Recognizing the importance of family, we have planned to hold our Bim Bam services in July and August. This Family Shabbat program is designed for children 0 to 7 with a short 30 minute interactive service, followed by arts and crafts, bounce house, and a pizza dinner! These events include engaging stories, interactive lessons, and fun activities that help children and parents connect with their faith and each other. We hope these gatherings will help new and existing members connect, forge new friendships, and feel a sense of belonging within our community.
Our commitment to inclusivity and diversity ensures that everyone who walks through our doors feels valued and embraced. Whether you are a lifelong member or new to Temple Sinai, there is a place for you here.
As we look forward to the rest of the summer and beyond, we are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. Recognizing that change could be difficult for some of us I encourage you to look into the evening prayer Ma’ariv Aravim:
“You make the seasons change and order the stars in their appointed paths across heaven’s dome.”
The changes in season are part of the divine design; they are built into the world as we know it. In fact, the Hebrew word for year, shanah, relates to the word for “change,” shinui. The year is made up of change, and God is the very process of change. Change is how the world is renewed. Our task is to embrace that, and to not be afraid.
In this season of change, we invite all members of Temple Sinai to reach out, get involved, and make new connections. Let us celebrate this time of renewal and welcome with open hearts and open minds.
Here’s to a summer filled with joy, growth, and new beginnings at Temple Sinai!
Mon, March 24 2025
24 Adar 5785
Past Messages
Opening Day of School is Just a Month Away!
Tuesday, Aug 6 1:18pmSinai Updated!
Friday, Jul 26 2:28pmSummer of Change: Welcoming New Members to Temple Sinai
Friday, Jul 19 2:22pmSweet Beginings
Friday, Jul 12 2:06pmFirst Message from Rabbi Zohar
Monday, Jul 1 1:58pmFinal Thoughts as President
Friday, Jun 14 1:40pmA Shavuot Message
Monday, Jun 3 1:53pmAn Invitation to the Jewish Community From the Rochester Rabbis and Cantors
Wednesday, Oct 11 10:42amMy Broken Heart
Monday, Oct 9 4:20pmIsrael on the Brink
Monday, Mar 27 4:45pm
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