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Yom Kippur Day Service at the JCC

Saturday, October 12, 2024 10 Tishrei 5785

10:00 AM - 12:00 PMJCC

10:00AM   Traditional Service in the Auditorium led by Rabbinic Student Ranata Goodman and Cantor Braun

10:00AM   Family Service in the Hart Theater led by Rabbi Zohar and Musician Leah Saada-Sherman

10:00AM   Teen Service in the Lipson Lounge led by RATSY students

10:00AM   Young family Service in the Large Group Exercise Room led by Alex Reeder

1:30PM    Torah Study - location TBD

3:15PM    Healing Service in the Auditorium* led by Rabbi Zohar, Cantor Braun, and Rabbinic Student Ranata Goodman

4:30PM    Yizkor Service in the Auditorium* led by Rabbi Zohar, Cantor Braun, and Rabbinic Student Ranata Goodman

5:30PM    Neilah Service in the Auditorium* led by Rabbi Zohar, Cantor Braun, and Rabbinic Student Ranata Goodman

*These services run consecutively. No one will be permitted to enter during the Yizkor service.

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Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785