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Temple Sinai Open House: No Place like Home!

Sunday, July 28, 2024 22 Tammuz 5784

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

We here at Temple Sinai know that “there’s no place like home” and are eager to share the warmth of our Sinai home with friends, family & acquaintances in the community. Our first-ever Temple Sinai open house, Sunday, July 28, between 10 AM and noon, affords us the opportunity to do just that! The Wizard of Oz-themed morning guarantees a fun-filled opportunity to show off our congregation, from its stunning sanctuary to its kindly congregants. Highlights will include clergy and school presentations; committee displays & activities; costumes, crafts and snacks. Bring a friend to rediscover the magic of Temple through fresh eyes!

For congregants, old & new, and those who want to know more about what makes
Temple Sinai special!
No Place Like Home! Follow the Yellow Brick Road….

Social Hall
    - Hosts to answer your questions
    - School Info & Displays, Kids crafts activity, Teen Info
    - Committee and Group Info & Displays  -  Social Action, AdultED & Torah Study,
Women’s Chavurah, Hiking, Book Club, Garden Team, Canasta, Flower City Schmooze…
    - Refreshments
    - Judaica Gift Shop
   -  Swing-set & bench, picnic table
   - *Kids Yard Games  & Bounce House (if indoors, Youth Lounge)

Scheduled Events
10:00   Enter via School walkway - Foyer Check-in Greeting

10:30-10:50    Sanctuary Mini-Program #1 with Rabbi Or Zohar & Cantor Renata Braun: Teaching

11:00                 Story Session for Kids  - PJ Library Nook

11:00               *Garden Tour of Temple plantings

11:30-11:50   Sanctuary Mini-Program #2 with Rabbi Zohar & Cantor Braun: Participatory Music
11:50               *Hiking Chavurah Stroll of Temple grounds

*Outdoor activities weather permitting!

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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784