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Contributing to Temple Sinai is a wonderful way to honor a loved ones memory, acknowledge a special occasion, or to help ensure the future of the temple as part of your legacy. There are multiple ways to offer support. You can:

  • contribute to an endowment fund, which serves as a permanent source of funding for the temple;
  • donate to a non-endowment fund, which supports specific programs and needs in and outside of our annual budget; 
  • support the Temple's endowment by making a commitment through the community-wide Life and Legacy program.

Please read the descriptions below, and if you have any further questions, contact us at (585) 381-6890. 



Temple Sinai invests its endowment funds so that these resources are available in perpetuity. As our endowment grows, it contributes toward the Temple's annual operating expenses. The principal is never touched, ensuring that your donation is a permanent source of funding. Its a gift that keeps on giving. 

John and Shirley Hart General Endowment 
Supports critical operations and programming. 

Cultural Endowment
Supports Temple programming for the congregation and community in the fields of art, drama, literature, and Judaic studies. 

Rabbi Emeritus Katz Endowment Fund 
Used for scholarships and a variety of charitable and educational purposes, as well as for projects within the Temple and the community, at Rabbi Emeritus Katz's discretion.

Shabbat Family Program Endowment
Supports daytime Shabbat family intergenerational programming.

Youth Endowment 
 youth programming.

Non-endowment funds

Non-endowment funds help pay for a variety of initiatives originating from among our congregants. Prudently managed and vetted by the Board of Trustees, these funds are designed to help us carry out our mission to be an inclusive Sukkat Shalom (shelter of peace) where seekers connect, pray, learn, pursue justice, and lift each other up. 

Accessibility and Inclusion 
Funds facility improvements and purchases of equipment so that every member of our community may have access to our programs and facilities; supports programming related to accessibility and inclusion; used to pay interpreters and other special-needs assistants. 

Adult Education
Supports the continuation and expansion of our adult education programs.

Covers some of the costs of necessary building maintenance and repairs as well as equipment and furnishings.

Cantor Braun Discretionary
Supports a variety of charitable and educational purposes, including musical programming for the congregation and community, at Cantor Brauns discretion.

College Connection 
Used to purchase and send seasonal packages to college-age Temple Sinai members to help maintain their connection with Temple Sinai.

Floral Fund 
Contributes to the purchase and upkeep of interior plants and flowers.

General Operating
Helps defray the costs of critical temple operations and congregational programming. 

Israel Programming 
Supports Israel-related programming at Temple.

Israel Youth and Study 
Supports temple youth who participate in accredited travel/education programs in Israel.

Joel Bloom Garden
Named in memory of our former cantorial soloist, helps maintain the temple gardens.

Funds the purchase of library materials, including reference books, literature, and computer equipment.

Mitzvah Connection 
Covers costs associated with outreach to congregants and their families at times of joy and celebration, as well as at difficult times such as illness or death.

Supports special music programs for the congregation; ongoing activities such as youth music groups and choir; and the purchase of materials to carry out these activities.

Provides additional funding for Onegs.

Provides for the purchase and repair of prayer books and Torah books.

President’s Discretionary 
Funds special Temple and congregational initiatives at the discretion of the president of the Board of Trustees.

Rabbi Zohar Discretionary Fund
Used for scholarships and a variety of charitable and educational purposes, as well as for projects within the Temple and the community, at Rabbi Zohar's discretion.

Religious School 
Provides for some essential school programs, including scholarships for students with financial needs.

Robin Shiffrin Judaism Campership 
Assists first-time campers with the costs of attending a Jewish summer camp.

Sinai Youth Group 
Supports programming for Temple youth.

Social Action (Schoenfeld)
Named in honor of Sinai founding member Dick Schoenfeld, supports social action projects. 

Ted Rothschild Art and Cultural 
Named in memory of founding member and first president of Temple Sinai, assists with purchase and maintenance of artwork to enhance the beauty of our synagogue, increase our exposure to works of art with religious significance. Contributions also support programming in the fields of art, drama, literature and Judaic studies.

Temple Dinner Fund 
Supplements costs for temple dinners including Bim Bam Shabbat, Shabbat Dinner with Friends, Schmoozin' Shabbat, etc.

Torah Restoration
Funds repairs and maintenance of our Torah scrolls.

Tree of Life Leadership 
Promotes leadership development by supporting participation among our congregants, lay leaders, and professional staff in URJ conferences.

Windows of Light/Habitat 
Currently being used to fund Temple Sinai’s contribution to the Interfaith Habitat for Humanity Building Projects that we have been involved in and to fund our next Habitat House.

Women's Chavurah Fund 
Supports varied programs and activities open to all Temple Sinai members - not just for women only! Programs include speakers of current interest, book author talks, on-side experiential instruction, etc. 


Since 1991, Friends of Sinai has served as an important support vehicle for our Temple community. The annual Friends of Sinai gifts have made possible non-budgeted improvements to our building and grounds as well as support for our school, staff, and congregational programming.  Anyone can join the Friends of Sinai at any time with a donation of $360 above the Sustaining Sinai annual contribution.  For more information, contact the Temple Office.

Life and Legacy

Life and Legacy ™ offers congregants a way to plan during their lifetimes for future philanthropic contributions to Temple Sinai. These pledges will help the congregation thrive l'dor v'dor in the spirit of the Talmudic text: “As my parents planted for me before I was born, so do I plant for those who will come after me.”    

Temple Sinai's Life and Legacy initiative, launched with the guidance and support of the Foundation of the Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, has been replicated by many local Jewish organization and synagogues, including Temple Sinai, to ensure the future of this region's Jewish community.

When Temple Sinai established our Life and Legacy Society, we named it in memory of John and Shirley Hart, one of our founding families. The Harts dedicated their lives to Temple Sinai through their engagement in all aspects of Temple life. 

Who can participate? 
Anybody can make a legacy gift, regardless of age or financial status. You can customize your gift to fit your philanthropic and financial goals. 

Why participate?
In one way or another, your life is rooted in Jewish experiences and values connecting you to Temple Sinai and others in our Jewish community. By leaving a legacy, you can ensure that the Jewish traditions and institutions that mean so much to you today will exist for future generations. One way to do so is to  include Temple Sinai in your will, trust, or estate plan. 

How does it work? 
You can get started by taking these steps:

  • reflect on your Jewish passions and your connection with Temple Sinai
  • call the Temple office to schedule a conversation with a Legacy team member
  • fill out a Letter of Intent form
  • formalize your commitment by having a conversation with your personal financial advisor or attorney

Some options for leaving a Legacy that your advisor or attorney may recommend include:

  • bequest in a will
  • designation from your life insurance, IRA, or retirement plan
  • a gift of cash, securities, or other assets
  • creation of a charitable trust
  • a grant from your donor-advised fund

Please contact the Temple office at (585) 381-6890 for more information.

Mon, March 24 2025 24 Adar 5785