November Contributions
Updated December 1st ACCESSIBILITY & INCLUSION FUND in memory of Ruvin "Rudy" Weingart from Renee & James Brownstein in memory of Jon Behrman from Joe & Jeni Behrman ADULT EDUCATION FUND from Maxine Manjos from Lisa Fogel & Steven Fishman in memory of Charles Chadwick from Jeffrey & Rachel Wicks in memory of Judy & Jack Sandler from Sarah Beth Sandler CANTOR RENATA BRAUN DISCRETIONARY FUND in memory of Sylvia Berkowitz, beloved aunt from Marlene and Henry Etlinger and family FLORAL FUND in memory of Ethel Rosen from Phyllis Rosen GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUND in memory of Michael Silver from Ann and Bruce Leonard in memory of Michael Silver from Leslie Algase in memory of Evelyn Greenfield from Carla Greenfield in memory of Irving Manis from Ann & Bruce Leonard in appreciation of Victor Poleshuck from Women's Chavurah, Temple Sinai GENERAL OPERATING FUND in memory of Irving Manis from Joyce Schachter in memory of Ruvin 'Rudy' Weingart from Gary Ginsburg in memory of Barbara Van Doren from Frederick Van Doren & Laurie Yantch in memory of Ruvin "Rudy" Weingart, my first boyfriend, my hero, my Dad from Jill Orbach in memory of Michael Silver from Joyce Schachter with healing wishes to Eric Birken from Lester & Monika Katzel in memory of Sylvia Klau from Karl Auerbach in memory of Charlie Schachter from Joyce Schachter in appreciation of Janet & Larry Slusar from Lori Friedman JOEL BLOOM FUND in memory of Dorothy Paganelli from Jon & Nancy Chernak Thank you to the Garden Committee for your help with the crocus project from Temple Sinai School of Jewish Life & Learning in honor of Les & Monika Katzel's continued love and support of the Temple Sinai Community from Jerome & Arlene Wiesenberg in memory of Ruvin "Rudy" Weingart from Florence Drexler in memory of Rose Esterson from Jon & Nancy Chernak in appreciation of Sally Constine, Esther Tanzman & the garden helpers from Monika Katzel MUSIC FUND in memory of Rita Webb from Cantor Renata Braun & Dr David Braun in memory of Ruvin “Rudy” Weingart, Jill Orbach's father from Esther Brill & RJ Ruble in appreciation of Mary Mansfield for everything she does for Temple Sinai from Esther Brill & RJ Ruble PRAYER BOOK FUND in memory of William Heller & Lillian Heller from Steven & Nadine Friedlander RABBI ZOHAR DISCRETIONARY FUND in honor of Rabbi Zohar's first High Holy Days with our community RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND in honor of Alayna Mahoney's Bat Mitzvah from Marcia Elwitt in memory of Natalie C. Chekow from Laura Chekow in memory of Elaine Adler from Marvin & Irene Barkin SOCIAL ACTION FUND in memory of Michael Silver from Judy & Allan Schwartz in memory of Alan Macpherson from Judy & Allan Schwartz in memory of Anne Stanger from Judy & Allan Schwartz in memory of Michael Silver from Renee & James Brownstein in memory of Michael Silver from Nadine Ryback in memory of Edwin Olsan from Judy & Allan Schwartz wishing Mazal Tov to Sandy Mitzner and John Page on the birth of their grandson. from Judy & Allan Schwartz in memory of Ora Zohar from Judy & Allan Schwartz in memory of Bobby Johnson from Judy & Allan Schwartz TED ROTHSCHILD ARTS & CULTURAL FUND in honor of The Temple Treasures Committee TORAH RESTORATION FUND in honor of Arlene & Jerry Weisenberg from Ellen Goldenberg in honor of Jackie Buff from Ellen Goldenberg WINDOWS OF LIGHT FUND in memory of Sidney Rayburn from Allan & Leni Rayburn WOMEN'S CHAVURAH FUND in memory of my precious twin sister, Barbara P. Horwitz from Juliette Holzbach
Sat, December 21 2024 20 Kislev 5785