Lay Leaders
Leaders abound at Temple Sinai. A truly participatory community, we benefit from the contributions of time, talent, ideas, and inspiration from many members who lead our committees, clubs, and affinity groups.
For information about or to contact the Board of Trustees for the year 2024–25, please contact the Temple Sinai office at (585) 381-6890.
President, Elise Wojciechowski
1st Vice President, Esther Tanzman
Secretary, Joyce Schachter
VP Administration, Carla Greenfield
VP Finance, Jeremy Sarachan
VP Finance, Jeremy Sarachan
VP of Marketing & Communications, Nora Rubel
VP Education & Lifelong Learning, Tziporah Rosenberg
VP of Youth Initiatives, Rachel Sidebotham
Co-VPs Congregant Connections, Diana Seroski & Carol Yunker
Co-VPs Social Action, Sharon Silvio & Leslie Newman
VP Religious Practices, Shevah Faber
Immediate Past Presidents, Renee Brownstein & Jamie Spiller
Term Expiring June 30, 2027
Mark Anderson
Josh Faber
Candice Leit
Deborah Rib
Paul Rothberg
Term Expiring June 30, 2026
Lisa Altman
Laura Chekow
Florence Drexler
Janet Irwin
Term Expiring June 30, 2025
Esther Brill
Michael Camiolo
Marilyn Fenster
Dan Kinel
Deborah Trimble
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