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Getting Involved

We are a highly participatory congregation, where work and decision-making are shared widely, and where there is a place for everyone. If you are a do-er who enjoys working with a great group of people, join a committee—we run on volunteers. If you are looking for fellowship around a particular hobby or interest, you can join—or start—a club or affinity group at Sinai to explore that interest Jewishly. For information about any of the affinity groups or committees shown below, contact the Temple Sinai office at

Accessibility and Inclusion Committee
The Accessibility and Inclusion Committee works to ensure temple life is fully accessible, on the same terms, to all
participants of all abilities. They are the modern heirs of the Special Needs Committee that was formed at Sinai more than 30 years ago, and they have helped Temple Sinai to achieve the distinction of Exemplar Congregation designation from the Disabilities Inclusion Learning Center, a partnership of the Union for Reform Judaism and the Ruderman Family Foundation. You can see some of the fruits of their work on our Accessible Judaism page.

Adult Education Committee
The Adult Education Committee envisions and plans opportunities for learners at all stages, from novice to "seasoned," to forge connections through group explorations of Jewish texts and topics. 

Book Club
Join in on friendly and lively discussions about books by Jewish authors or that explore Jewish themes. Readings for each month are selected by group consensus. 

Congregant Connections Committee

The Congregant Engagement Committee welcomes new congregants and fosters the spirit of our diverse temple community by creating activities and events that build relationships and promote engagement. They assemble and deliver welcome baskets and host a welcome luncheon for new congregants; plan and organize our annual Get S'More Shabbat outdoor services with dinner, and develop and sponsor other events. The group meets monthly and welcomes anyone interested in participating.

College Connections

Through mailings and packages during the academic year, our committee’s aim is to make sure our college-age members feel engaged, supported, and valued as members of the Temple Sinai community. We aim to send a few care packages a year directly to students. If you are interested in joining or supporting the committee, please contact the office at 

Garden Team
The Temple Sinai Garden Team was established in 2013 with the goal of maintaining and improving the Temple’s garden beds. We aim to have plantings that will give all-season interest, be low maintenance, and deer resistant.

We have designated 12 areas to care for and have assigned volunteers to each area, and there are also some general helpers. Volunteers with all levels of gardening experience are welcome. We work as a team, helping each other and sharing ideas. Volunteers give varying amounts of time, depending on their schedules, from April - November. Some enjoy doing the garden work together and others enjoy the serenity of gardening alone.

Hiking Chavurah
Join fellow congregants on monthly hikes throughout the year. Sinai members, their families, and dogs are invited to discover and hike the many beautiful trails in our area. You will not only reap the health benefits but also social connections with friendly congregants.

Hikes generally take place on the morning of the last Sunday of each month. The group's average speed is about 15-18 minutes per mile. If you are interested in joining or would like further information, please contact the office at

Mitzvah Connection


Sinai’s Mitzvah Connection Committee offers a wide range of Mitzvah acknowledgment and needed assistance to our congregation. We acknowledge congregant milestones with contributions to Sinai Funds for new grandbabies and family marriages. We provide gifts for recent converts, newly married couples, and families with new babies.

In times of need, Mitzvah Connection is a supportive link between Sinai and our congregants. Mitzvah volunteers deliver condolence baskets to the family, as well as provide baked goods when needed for shiva. During times of illness or recovery, we converse with family to pinpoint needs our volunteers can provide, such as the preparation and delivery of meals. If you’d like to share just a few hours of your time by helping congregants in need, Mitzvah Connection is an ideal way to help serve our temple community. Please join our list of Sinai volunteers, even if you have a limited amount of time. We are always open for new committee members as well – we meet once or twice each year.


Purim Cast

The Purim cast meets in January/February/March to put together a fun and engaging Purim Shpiel. Some of the Purim Shpiels include:  ”Greece – The Megillah,”  “A Very Frozen Purim,” “The Greatest Haman,” and "I Guess that's why they call it a Shpiel."

Please reach out to Cantor Braun if you are interested in participating.

Religious Practices Committee
The Religious Practices Committee takes on the role of planning High Holiday services and much more.

Safety and Security Committee
We assess and make recommendations for improvements to the security of our building and grounds. The task is ongoing.  

Social Action Committee
Grounded in Jewish texts and rooted in Jewish values, the Temple Sinai Social Action Committee (also known as the SAC) strives to fulfill the value of Tikkun Olam—repairing the world. Through education, community partnerships, advocacy, and action, we can build a temple community responsive to inequities and injustices in Rochester, the nation, and the world. We use working groups to carry out our mission. Some of these groups include Antisemitism, Environmental Justice, LGBTQIA+, and Reclaiming Democracy.

Learn more at Social Action.

Temple Life
The Temple Life committee organizes many of the social events that are held at Temple Sinai. Often they are tied to Jewish holidays such as the Chanukah dinner celebration; Sundaes, Suds, and Sodas – a dinner in the Sukkah; and Purim Pizza dinner held in conjunction with the youth group carnival and preceding the Purim Shpiel. Other events are designed to build community connections such as the annual Sinai outing to a Red Wings game.

There are opportunities for those who want to become active members of the committee to help with the planning and carrying out of events. Working on this committee is a wonderful way to get to know others who are actively involved in making our congregation the friendly and lively organization that it is.

Temple Sinai Adult Choir

The adult choir sings at High Holidays during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur evening services. The choir consists of 20- 25 members and meets in August and September to prepare for High Holidays. The choir sings 2, 3, and 4–part harmony songs!

Please reach out to Cantor Braun if you are interested in participating.

Torah Chanting Club

The Torah chanting club is a dedicated group of people who meet once a week to chant from Torah and Haftarah. The members of this group chant from Torah and Haftarah during Shabbat and Holidays throughout the year.

Please reach out to Cantor Braun if you are interested in participating.

Women’s Chavurah

The Temple Sinai Women's Chavurah attracts a large number of people to our varied programs and activities offered throughout the year. Our events are open to all Temple members, and as space permits, also to guests. All programs are NOT FOR WOMEN ONLY!

Programs include speakers on topics of current interest, author book talks, on-site experiential instruction, art studio visits, tours of community locales, celebrity chef events,  etc. The Women’s Chavurah supports other Temple programs and participates in an array of community initiatives.

Each summer, the committee meets to solicit and consider program suggestions for the upcoming year. Committee members then plan and organize each event. Suggestions for future programs are welcome, and if you would like to become involved, please let us know!

Mon, March 24 2025 24 Adar 5785